In accordance with the Scheme, the Commission is comprised of an appointed Chair, two appointed independents and up to six members who are ‘commercial producers’ (as defined in the Scheme) elected by the commercial producers. The Chair is appointed by the provincial government.
If you wish to contact the Commission, you can send an e-mail directly to Derek Sturko, BCVMC Chair:
Storage Crops
Storage Crops
Storage Crops
Greenhouse Crops
Greenhouse Crops
Greenhouse Crops
Election Policy
Every five years the BC Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) calls for a review of the Commission Election Policy. The Commission will also review Election Policy upon the passing of a motion requesting a review at an Annual General Meeting. Any changes to the Election Policy must be approved by the BCFIRB.
Industry Advisory Committees
With the very structure of the Commission being composed of elected producers, the legislation is prepared to accept a significant degree of “conflict” in the interest of ensuring industry knowledge and expertise is preserved through producer governance. This governance model creates special challenges in conflict management for commissioners when managing distinctive conflicts that exist in the regulatory framework above the fact that the commissioner is a producer. It is the responsibility of the Commission to effectively manage these challenges and facilitate a sound decision making process that addresses and resolves conflicts quickly and provides for prepared and informed decision making on the relevant matters before the Commission.
In managing reasonable apprehension of bias and conflict of interest amongst elected commissioners, the Commission has found itself increasingly in the position of recusing certain elected members from having access to information and participating in any discussion or decision making on issues before the Commission. As a result of these recusals, non-recused members of the Commission have found themselves challenged with situations where they lacked the industry knowledge and expertise that would allow them to make a prepared and informed decision. To address these situations and ensure that the decision-making process can proceed in a timely manner, the Commission engages industry advisory committees for retaining access to industry knowledge and expertise. The industry advisory committees are structured to include commercial producers and contain reasonable apprehension of bias that may be due to a producer’s association with an agency.
The Industry Advisory Committees formed by the Commission are as follows:
1. Storage Crop Industry Advisory Committee
2. Greenhouse Industry Advisory Committee